Sunday, June 9, 2013

Medrep or Maidreps?

Once I had a job interview for an account executive post for a multinational tire provider company. I was asked by the regional sales manager about the current industry I was with back then. I told him that I am a medical representative. He said, “Ah, maid rep ka pala? Galing din kasi ako jan, pero I’m from a local company.” That may statement seemed unprofessional coming from a high executive like him. But I cannot blame him because he, himself had experienced what my job was like. Maybe that was why he shifted to another industry. There are times when we are called “personal assistant ng mga doctor”. True enough, we are willing to do things outside our job description just to meet our quotas. Some of us are willing to drive kids of doctors to school. Some may even be available even during weekends to shuttle the whole family of a certain doctor to a family reunion.

Are we really medical representatives or MAID REPS?

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