Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm Quitting My Job Tomorrow

This may sound weird, but when I woke up this morning. I just realized that I can no longer do this. I'm quitting. I've had several episodes of this kind of feeling. Last month, last year, the other year, maybe this is what my friends call as quarter-life crisis. But heck, I don't care. I just need to quit this fucking job to keep me sane. Some people may call me stupid when I tell them that I have resigned. some may say that I wasted so much opportunity. But, who cares. I own my life, and I will live it the way I want it to be. Now I know that it is not my job, it is not my boss or my workmates, it is not distance of work from my home, but it is ME. I need to sort things out first with myself before I can establish a stable career and a live a good life.

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